Psalm 74 -(v12) God brings salvation on the earth.
-Jesus Christ brought us salvation on the earth. He also commanded His disciples that “you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth” (Acts 13:47).
-We are His disciples now, does Jesus expect us to bring salvation on the earth, are we doing it?
Psalm 75: 1. Like Asaph says of people declaring God’s deeds, I desire to proclaim, God’s wonderful deeds.
Psalm 75: It is God who lifts us up and exalts us (vv.7, 10). I will give thanks to Him (v. 1); I will rejoice forever (v. 9); I will sing praises to Him (v. 9).
Psalm 75 -(v2) It is God who judges with equity.
-(v7) It is God who judges: He brings the wicked down, He exalts the righteous!
-It is our choice to be wicked or turn to be righteous!