Psalm 67: The psalmist seeks God’s blessing-“May God (continue to) bless us” (vv. 1, 7) so that “the Lord’s Way and His saving power may be known among all nations” and “all the ends of the earth will revere him” (vv. 2,7). The Lord blesses us to be a blessing to the nations. For example, Abraham’s call. “I will bless you so that you will be a blessing” (Genesis 12:2).
Psalm 67:3 Let the people praise thee, O God. Let all the people praise thee.
Psalm 67: The Psalm talks about calling the people to praise God. When we get together we should praise God.
Psalm 67:7. “God blesses us.” We will experience God’s blessing when we align ourselves with his purpose.
“so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you, God; may all the peoples praise you.”Psalm 67:2-3.
We should praise God and do good so that other people follow our ways and do good and praise God.
Psalm 67: The overall theme in the book of John is that we must believe in Jesus. Psalm’s overall theme is that we must praise our God.
Psalm 67 -(v1) May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us.
-What we are today is His amazing Grace. Period.
Psalm 67:(v1) May God be gracious to us and bless us.
(v7) May God bless us still
And let all the ends of the earth fear him.
Psalm 67 begins with a prayer for blessings, and the purpose of this prayer is that God’s way would become known throughout all nations. This psalm also says that God offers salvation to everyone. (V3-7) God blesses us abundantly so we can pass along his gifts. We should share our gifts and blessings with people around us.
Psalm 67: God’s grace and blessings in perspective; so others may know His ways and His salvation
According to Psalm 67, God blesses us, not solely for our own benefit, but so that we can pass along His gifts to others (v. 1-2). He especially wants us to share his message with people who don’t get know Him. We have the privilege of passing on His blessing of eternal life to others and we should use it to the best of our ability. –
Psalm 67:3-4. When we praise God, our praise goes beyond race or color because when we praise God everyone is united in his Word. –
Psalm 67: May God be gracious to us and bless us.