Judges 15

Samson believed that the victory against the Philistines was from the Lord. And, when he was thirsty he was bold enough to call on the Lord for water. God did a miracle and Samson was revived. Samson did not have the support of the people even though God was working

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Judges 14

Samson did what was right in his eyes and he fell for the lust of his eyes. He did not seek the Lord or his parents for any guidance.Unlike Samson we should always seek God for HIS guidance and not do what feels good in our own eyes. This is

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Judges 13

Samson, a star is born, will take lead in delivering Israel, dedicated to God from the womb. And the spirit of the Lord began to stir him. May the same spirit stir you as well. Cheers everyone!! Then Manoah prayed to the LORD and said, “O Lord, please let the

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Judges 12

In this chapter i see brothers killing each other. But we should strengthen the hands of our brothers. This is the second time the Ephraimites have questioned the people who took action. In chapter 8 they were satisfied with Gideon’s answer but this time they paid a huge price. The

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Judges 11

(v. 36) Fulfilling a promise is good but yielding your own life for someone else promises or request is really great. Timbrels the only daughter of Jephthah, literally yield her life to be sacrificed to his father’s promise. This is similar to Isaac the only son of Abraham even though

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Judges 10

“The Lord could no longer bear to see Israel suffer” (v. 16). The Lord cannot tolerate to see his children suffer even when they suffer for their own reason. “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love” (Psalm 103: 8). By now, we know

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Judges 9

There is always consequence for the wrong doings (vv. 56,57) This Abimelek guy is evil to the core. Glad a woman ended the evil. When evildoers flourish our eyes should be fixed on God. We worship a righteous and just God. Abimelech’s life illustrates Galatians 6:7. “Do not be deceived;

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Judges 8

When the Israelites said to Gideon “Rule over us,” Gideon humbly but rightly pointed out to the Lord who lives and reigns. We should never give room for our personal glory rather we should make sure that God’s name is glorified. Gideon answered correctly to the Israelites that only the

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Judges 7

22,000 men returned because they trembled with fear (v. 3). That’s more than two third of men who originally responded to Gideon’s call. I think this is the fear that comes with change. They had all accepted the status quo and become lethargic. They didn’t have the desire or energy

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Judges 6

God chooses the ordinary person (vv. 11, 15), confirms the ordinary with his extraordinary presence (v. 12), and commissions for an extraordinary project (v. 14). Gideon asks for signs from God. God seems to be very patient with him. According to Gideon, the fathers had been teaching the younger generation

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